Warp Shell (ICRPG) Solo Session 1

We follow Kitt Farseer. Everyone calls him Kitt, even though “Kitt” is his species. He looks like a small otter with shiny blonde fur. He’s a wiz with gadgets and is one heck of a mechanic. But Kitt is hiding a secret, he’s really from the future. A future that has been plagued by an evil entity called “The Devourer”. He figured out the mystery of time travel in order to go to the past and prevent the horrible events of his timeline. He was the future’s only hope. 

When we first meet Kitt, he has been stranded on an ice planet not listed in the galactic charts. His ship is in desperate need of YOG crystals, the main fuel source that the entire galaxy runs on. In his search, he has ended up in a strange and remote facility. It's a giant tube that goes underground for miles and miles. He’s working his way up looking for an exit but the levels seem to never end. It’s very much like a nightmare. 

On his current level there are strange pods covering the walls, almost like large bubble wrap bubbles. These pods all have a strange florescent green goo swirling slowly within them. They might be some type of incubation pods but upon closer inspection, Kitt sees nothing to indicate that they hold life. While he inspects the pods, his ear stands erect as a sound from the level below becomes noticeable. He tries to hide...

Roll a Dex Check for Stealth… the Room Difficulty is 12. 

Roll is a 9, no good.

The creature below hears him and quickly approaches. It has wet, blue skin and pointy head..and is armed with a simple blaster pistol. Kitt tries to negotiate with it but it’s angry and flailing it’s gun around. The creature is now bellowing louder and louder. Kitt can’t risk it drawing more attention to his presence. He quickly draws his blast rifle and pulls the trigger. 

Roll to hit... 15, its a hit.

The recoil from the jolting blast causes Kitt to hop back a few inches and the blast hits the ice creature in the shoulder. 

Roll for Damage….6 damage.

Does the blast cause the creature to drop his pistol? 

D6….result is 3 

No, but his arm is too damaged to lift the gun. Kitt takes advantage of this ailment and fires again.

Roll to hit…20! Crit!

Roll for Damage, when a Crit is rolled you add a d12 to the Damage dice, result is 8 and 4 for 12 total Damage.

The foreign creature is blasted right off it’s feet and now lies dying in a ever-growing pool of thick, sticky blue blood. It’s nearly incapacitated with death approaching slowly, so it's best to put it out of it’s misery. Kitt deals a final blow, the killing blow, with an energy dagger. He hears the creatures breathing cease as he himself lets out a sigh.

Pulling his knife from the flesh of the creature, Kitt looks over the creature briefly. He searches the lifeless body for anything useful, he’s able to find a Nav Unit with a readout of the facility. He now sees that he is Forty-five levels away from the exit. He fiddles with the device for a few more minutes to see if any YOG is hidden here but it doesn’t turn up any useable results on that front.

The adrenaline from the battle finally wears off and he looks up through the metal scaffolding above him. He says aloud, “Forty-five more levels, this is way more complicated than I thought it would be.” He looks down at his short little legs and then back at the ladder leading to next platform. He sighs and begins to feel very alone.

He shakes it off. “Just move forward.” He tells himself.

Kitt moves up three more levels before finding a platform that looks different from the ones before. Still no sign of any more creatures like the one he had to dispatch. But there is a terminal here that he can try to access, hopefully, it will provide more information than the Nav Unit he found. The terminal screen boots up as Kitt touches a few random keys on the display’s built-in keyboard. He enters a few commands, let’s see if he can hack it.

Easy Check for Kitt, meet or beat a 9… roll is a 15!

A more detailed 3D map of the facility renders brightly on the screen. A little red dot is blinking feverishly, locating his current position. He searches the terminal for a near by elevator or lift, hoping to save his little legs the remaining forty-three levels that he needs to climb. 

Does he see a lift? 

D6 Oracle Roll….it’s a 6! Yes, and…it’s nearby. 

Only d4 levels away…roll is a 4. 

“Ok, no problem, four levels is nothing!” He enters one more quick command to see if he can find any YOG crystals, but no luck again. “What a waste of space this place is..” He tells himself as he approaches the ladder to reach the next platform.

To speed this up I’m going to roll to see if there’s any creatures on the next 4 levels. And…he meets a creature.

Is this one acting hostile? D6 oracle…2, no. 

Is it friendly? D6…5, yes!

Kitt steps off the last rung of the ladder and sees another creature similar to the one he killed a few levels back. Kitt is caught off guard but as this ice creature sees him, he displays no hostility the way the last one did. It just looks at him, with blank curiosity. 

Kitt tries to talk to it. “Hey, uh, I’m not looking for trouble, I just want to get out of here.” 

The thing speaks back, but it’s voice sounds like ice cubes clinking around in a glass of water.

“Hmm, hold on, let me try something.” Kitt approaches the nearby terminal and pops off a metal plate behind the screen. He pulls out a few wires and a tiny black speaker box. He fashions them together with his Omni Tool and then hands it to the creature. Kitt begins motioning to the thing to put it around his neck like a necklace.

Easy Check to see if the translator works…meet or beat a 9…roll is 12! Success.

As the ice creature does this, suddenly his icy voice becomes crystal clear to Kitt’s ears.

“Wow! Quite the contraption you made there. You’re pretty handy, doncha know?”

He has an odd American Mid-Western accent.

“Thanks, yeah, I like to build gadgets, it’s kinda my thing.” Kitt replied happily.

“Well friend, you don’t look familiar, heck ya doin way down here?”

“I got a little lost, it’s a long story. I’m just trying to get out, also, my ship is out of fuel so I need to find some YOG or I’ll be calling this ice bucket home for a while. Any idea where I might find some?”

“Oh you betcha! The galaxy runs on YOG as the television likes to say. Well, you could make a trek into town but if that little fur coat is all you’ve got, you might freeze to death on the way.”

“Yeah, I didn’t pack for the cold season.” Kitt replies half-heartedly.

“Sure, sure. You could try the Warp Shell Wreckage, it’s quite a bit closer than town..only a click or two away. Should be pretty untouched also, we don’t really use those fancy ships.”

“You have a Corpse around here?”

“Oh sure, been there for maybe 50 years or so.”

“Ah, that doesn’t sound promising.” 

“Well like I said, us Frozians don’t bother with any of that, so you could get lucky.”

“Frozians?” Kitt replies curiously.

“Oh heck yeah, this being planet Frozia and all.”

“Yep, that makes sense, well listen buddy, you’ve been unexpectedly helpful. What’s your name?”

“They call me Elway, pleasures all mine, really. Frozians love to help someone out, except for Old Tom a few levels down, he gets pretty cranky without his Cup-O-Joe.”

Kitt listens but avoids diving in further about his encounter with Old Tom..and his apparent lack of Joe.

“I had better get going, think you could escort me to the lift?”

“Oh heck yeah, gotta get my steps in anyways, let’s go!”

Kitt shakes hands with Elway and enters the lift. The doors noisily swing open up at the top of the facility, revealing the vast frozen tundra before him. The wind is like knives against his fur covered snout. He takes a deep breath, it stings his lungs like thorns to skin.

“Well, here we go.”

End of session 1


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